Meet Rose

Meet Rose
Rose has a 20-year record of building strong connections to Lane County schools and communities in both professional and volunteer roles. A child of public education and two teachers, Rose began serving on the board of Lane Education Service District in 2013 after collaborating with LESD staff in her work to build a healthy safety net for children in the community.
Her professional career in public health and social services included work in local nonprofits, the University of Oregon, and the Oregon Department of Human Services, always in support of local families. Rose earned a Master’s Degree from Oregon State University in the field of Public Health, and a BA in Anthropology from Rice University. Her child attends a Eugene public school, where she is a frequent volunteer.

New Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community

As an advocate for children and families, Rose has:
Built child abuse prevention teams in Oakridge, Lowell, Cottage Grove, Junction City, Veneta, Creswell, Mapleton, and Florence with the University of Oregon's 90by30 Initiative.
Volunteered in South Lane, Bethel, and Eugene 4J elementary schools, working directly with school children as a library volunteer and an instructor with the Roots of Empathy program.
Coordinated a healthy relationships program to prevent dating violence in several local districts, and later served on the board at Womenspace.
Fundraised for many local nonprofits and advocacy organizations supporting Lane County families, including Womenspace, 90by30 Child Abuse Prevention, and NAACP.
As a passionate champion of social justice and equity, Rose has:
Organized and mobilized volunteers for racial justice and social change initiatives with Springfield-Eugene Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ).
Advocated for education, justice, and equity legislation to benefit students and their families in Salem and in Washington, D.C., as a citizen leader.
Volunteered hundreds of hours for campaigns for issues and candidates building a more just Oregon.
Joined with community leaders to organize rallies, demonstrations, and solidarity actions to help bend the arc of our history towards justice.

As a believer in the importance of shaping policy to effect systems-level change, Rose has:
Served on the Lane County Budget Committee for six years and was elected Chair for the final two years.
Worked with Lane County’s most vulnerable families at the Oregon Department of Human Services.
Served on the Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force promoting appropriate education and prevention strategies in our public schools.