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Eight years on the Lane ESD Board has honed my vision for local education into concrete goals for the ESD that will benefit every student.

Expand and invest in career and technical education by:

  • Developing and building regional CTE hubs with the facilities, equipment, industry experienced staff, and programs to train students in high-wage, high-demand careers in the new green economy. 

  • Partnering with local businesses and trade unions to set students on career paths that lead to meaningful and needed work.

  • Assuring that CTE is available to any student who would benefit from developing immediately applicable job skills. CTE programs should be integrated into all Lane County schools and relevant to a range of students, whether they plan to continue their education after high school, enter the workforce, or aren’t sure yet.


Invest in programs to recruit and retain a diverse educator workforce by:

  • Assisting current staff staff with financial aid for programs to assist them reach the next step in their careers.

    Ensuring the smooth transition of students and their college credits from high school to community college to four year degree programs and advanced certification in education careers (and all careers).

  • Supporting the work of regional educator networks that advance the professional skills and support the career development of our educator workforce.

  • Assuring that every part of the education system that Lane ESD touches is a welcoming, inclusive, and uplifting place for educators, students, staff, families of color, and all people.


Ensure that school communities address gaps in opportunities and put all students on the path to success by:

  • Investing in culturally sustaining and relevant curriculum and educational practices.

  • Adopting policies that ensure that the equitable practices currently being cultivated in our staff, students, and ourselves become routine and normal. This means investing in training, professional development, and mentorship to change past practices that excluded many students from full participation in public school.

  • Promoting long term programs that support students from historically and currently marginalized or excluded populations, including Black students, Native/Indigenous students, students from immigrant families, Latinx students, Asian American and Pacific Islander students, LGBTQ+ students, and students from poor and working class backgrounds.In Lane County schools, all students should know they belong and are valued because of their individual identities while being fully seen within their culture and background.

  • Promoting best practices in school discipline to replace punishment with restorative and transformative justice programs that address the root causes of conflict or behavior issues. We must provide supportive communities to help students recover from the trauma, exclusion, and isolation that drives them to behave in ways that separate them from their school communities.

  • Working with our education partners from early learning and higher education to support students through key life transitions with a seamless education experience, regardless of their educational level or district they attend.

Career Technical Education

and the New Green Economy

Helping All Students Succeed

Friends of Rose Wilde

PO Box 1301

Eugene, OR 97440


Thanks for reaching out!

Paid for by Friends of Rose Wilde

Paid for by Friends of Rose WIlde

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